How do you figure things out? 99 ways
Choose from the domains above.
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Research & Culture & Business


        Respect - Implicitly Care

Respect - Implicitly Care     

          Five-Fingered Consensus      gauge extent of consensus

          Help Me Understand      know what participants want to know

          Red:Green Cards      honor feedback

        Plan - Explicitly Commit

Plan - Explicitly Commit     

          Graphic Gameplan      agree on executable action plan

          RACI Matrix      clarify responsibility, improve morale

          Scenario Slider      identify and prepare for key scenarios

          Who/What/When Matrix      make clear commitments

          WhoDo      brainstorm, plan and prioritize actions

        Include - Care

Include - Care     

          Air Time Mastermind      attract solutions to pressing problems

          Brainwriting      include everybody in evolving an idea

          Button      pay attention to everyone

          Open Space      network around active participants and their purposes

          Quaker Conversation      invite everybody and let conversation flow

          Talking Chips      include every voice equally

        Relax - Innovate

Relax - Innovate     

          6-8-5      generate many rough ideas quickly

          Break      challenge assumptions that constrain imagination

          Image-ination      get unstuck with new ideas

          Mission Impossible      let ideas settle, open room for new thoughts

          Object Brainstorm      suggest associations

          The Anti-Problem      get unstuck, note the obvious

        Recombine - Explicitly Innovate

Recombine - Explicitly Innovate     

          Forced Analogy      introduce new angles

          Heuristic Ideation Technique      generate ideas by recombining possibilities

        Appeal - Implicitly Innovate

Appeal - Implicitly Innovate     

          Ethos, Logos, Pathos      identify weakness in presentation

          Heart, Hand, Mind      appeal to a person holistically

        Dream - Explicitly Care

Dream - Explicitly Care     

          Cover Story      thinking big

          Customer, Employee, Shareholder      imagine futures from several perspectives

          Make a World      sketch a vision of a future state

          Storyboard      imagine and create possibilities

          The Comeback Album of The Decade Game      imagining a new life

        Circumscribe - Consent

Circumscribe - Consent     

          Pie Chart Agenda      agree quickly on agenda

          The 7Ps Framework      plan out a meeting

          Visual Agenda      increase interest in a meeting

        Perfect - Explicitly Validate

Perfect - Explicitly Validate     

          Do, Redo & Undo      make mistakeproof

          Wizard of Oz      test the completeness of a design

        Reevaluate - Implicitly Validate

Reevaluate - Implicitly Validate     

          How-Now-Wow Matrix      identify what is both new and achievable

          NUF Test      reality check for ideas

          Pre-Mortem      be upfront about risks

          Start, Stop, Continue      reevaluate activities

          SWOT Analysis      gauge and shape possibilities of success

        Distill - Implicitly Transform

Distill - Implicitly Transform     

          Back of the Napkin      evoke informal, focused answers

          Draw the Problem      describe problems so that we care

          Elevator Pitch      sum up what is remarkable about your solution

          Pecha Kucha / Ignite      share, present concisely

          Poster Session      communicate ideas passionately with simple images

          The Pitch      focus on feasibility and viability

        Feel - Implicitly Innovate

Feel - Implicitly Innovate     

          Bodystorming      sense what might work in the real world

          Mood Board      capture the feel of an idea

          Synesthesia      appreciate visceral, memorable aspects

        Agree - Implicitly Understand

Agree - Implicitly Understand     

          Campfire      learn from stories, share culture

          Graphic Jam      visualize abstract concepts, absorb complexity

          History Map      appreciate relevance of organization's culture

          Memory Wall      appreciate people, foster team

          Visual Glossary      create a shared language

          Welcome to My World       share our internal map of reality

        Improve - Explicitly Innovate

Improve - Explicitly Innovate     

          3-12-3 Brainstorm      fresh, incremental improvements

          Challenge Cards      identify, address challenges, improve product

          Plus/Delta      constructive feedback

        Invert - Explicitly Transform

Invert - Explicitly Transform     

          Design the Box      translate features into benefits

          Flip It      open up opportunities

          Product Pinnochio      improve the end user experience

          The Virtuous Cycle      shift focus from process to recurring value

          Understanding Chain      unfold your knowledge from your audience's point of view

        Empathize - Implicitly Understand

Empathize - Implicitly Understand     

          Empathy Map      develop a customer profile

          Fishbowl      observe conversational dynamics

          Give-and-Take Matrix      map out actors' motivations, interactions

          Pain-Gain Map      understand a person's motivations and decisions

          Show and Tell      elicit stakeholders' views

          Show Me Your Values      understand employee's perceptions of what values are involved

          Stakeholder Analysis      identify stakeholders and how to engage them

        Get to Know - Implicitly Care

Get to Know - Implicitly Care     

          Ice Breaker      introduce people as creative spirits

          Low-Tech Social Network      get to know each other

          Trading Cards      embrace each other as self-defined

        Prioritize - Implicitly Commit

Prioritize - Implicitly Commit     

          $100 Test      assign relative value

          20/20 Vision      agree how to rank initiatives

          Build the Checklist      order tasks or rank tasks

          Dot Voting      converge on ideas which capture most interest

          Forced Ranking      agree on priorities

          Impact and Effort Matrix      ground commitments

          Pro/Con List      identify key pros and cons to weight for decision

          Value Mapping      get feedback on what features are important

        Ground - Explicitly Care

Ground - Explicitly Care     

          Context Map      show effects of context

          The 5 Whys      discover the root cause

          The Blind Side      acknowledge unknowns

        Structure - Understand

Structure - Understand     

          Affinity Map      discover patterns relating categories

          Card Sort      categorize

          Post-Up      generate all relevant ideas

          Spectrum Mapping      expose the range of positions

          The World Cafe      recognize emergent patterns

        Clarify - Explictly Understand

Clarify - Explictly Understand     

          Argument Map      acknowledge all positions and make them understandable

          Atomize      unpack large, messy structures

          Boundary Matrix      identify relevant links between two disciplines

          Business Model Canvas      rethink a business model

          Force Field Analysis      appreciate forces both for and against change

          Post the Path      clarify the existing process

          Prune the Future      survey potential for incremental change

          Speedboat      identify obstacles to a goal

          SQUID      have and track a methodical discussion

          Staple Yourself to Something      clarify a process's impact on an object

          The 4Cs      gather and organize information