From Self Learners Network

Truth: Welcome

Andrius Kulikauskas: Welcome! I've written an e-book, The Truth, on absolute truth. It's a summary of all of my thinking. I'm now expanding it with this website and also in .

Table of Contents

The Truth,

from Relative to Absolute

in Six Lessons Between Them, You, Me and God

by Which We are One and Forever Alive.

These six lessons lead us from relative truth (our own deepest value) to absolute truth (God's deepest value - unconditional love). They manifest inquiry, the gap between question and answer.

I wish to foster a culture of looking for absolute truth, of learning forever, growing forever, living forever, here and now.

How can I do that with you? I share with you what I know of it. My deepest value is living by truth.

Andrius Kulikauskas, ,

March 6, 2014

Public Domain

Next: Dedication - The Good Kid

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Page last modified on March 09, 2014, at 06:51 PM